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We can think about any commutative associative algebra $A$ as a functor $\mathcal{L}(A):\mathsf{Fin}\to k\text{-}\mathsf{mod}$ from the category of finite sets and arbitrary functions to the category of $k$-modules ($k$ is a commutative ring, the letter $\mathcal{L}$ is devoted to Jean-Louis Loday). It can be constructed as follows. On objects it is defined by sending a set $\mathbf{n}$ to $A^{\otimes_k n}$. For a morphism $f: \mathbf{n}\to\mathbf{m}$, define the morphism $\mathcal{L}(A)(f)$. Read more
As well known, a plane can be covered aperiodically by two types of rhombi: thick ones having angles $72^\circ$ and $108^\circ$, and thin ones having angles $36^\circ$ and $144^\circ$ (see Fig. 1). Read more
Koszul duality is a fundamental notion of Math. Its reincarnations can be found in algebra, geometry and homotopy theory. For example, Sullivan and Quillen’s approaches to rational homotopy theory are Koszul dual to each other with respect to the Koszul duality between commutative and Lie operads. In algebra, we have the PBW-theorem (by Poincaré, Birkhoff and Witt), which states that the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra looks like a polynomial algebra meaning that it has as a monomial basis of a vector space with variables being sorted by some fixed order. Further, by algebras we mean associative differential graded algebras $A = T(V)/R$ with $R$ being quadratic or quadratic-linear relations (e. g., tensor algebras $T(V),$ symmetric algebras $S(V),$ universal enveloping algebras $U(\mathfrak{g}),$ etc). Read more
Briefly, there is a wonderful application of motivic homotopy theory to Agriculture classic Algebraic Topology. Classical and motivic Adams-Novikov spectral sequences coincide in the case of algebraic closed fields with zero characteristic (Marc Levine). This connection allowed to eliminate misunderstanding and mistakes in classical calculations. I will follow the Marc Levin overview. Read more
Recently, I learned about a wonderful result, Mandell’s theorem. We use algebraic invariants like (co-)homology, Massey products, Steenrod squares, etc, to prove two spaces, say, $X$ and $Y$ to be different. Anyway, each topological space can be encoded by means of some algebraic data, i. e., Postnikov’s system and $k$ invariants belonging to some cohomology groups with local coefficients — some sort of higher data. The rational part of the one, in the case of simply connected (more generally, nilpotent) spaces, can be suppressed into a commutative differential graded algebra (Dennis Sullivan’77). In general case, there are many results, contained, e. g., in the books “Rational Homotopy Theory I, II” by Y. Felix, S. Halperin, J.-C. Thomas. Read more
The Brieskorn spheres $\Sigma(p, q, r)$ are important examples of homology 3-dimensional spheres, i. e., manifolds with the homology being like one of a 3-dimensional sphere. They were extensively studied by Egbert Brieskorn and John Milnor. Henry Poincaré described the first one, $\mathbb{S}^3 / 2I\cong \Sigma(2, 3, 5)$ (see the proof below) in his “Cinquiéme complément à l’Analysis situs” (1904), where
</article> </div>Published:
Published in (not published), 2022
Published in Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 84:2 (2023), 243–296, 2023
Published in Math. Notes, 116:1 (2024), 66–76., 2024
This is a concise intro to the theory of homotopy (co-)limits. Read more Read more
Slides of the talk (in Russian), the page of the seminar Read more
In 1971, S. P. Novikov and V. M. Buchstaber gave the construction, predicted by characteristic classes. This construction describes a multiplication, with a product of any pair of elements being a non-ordered multiset of $n$ points. It led to the notion of $n$-valued groups. Soon after that, V. M. Buchstaber gave the axiomatic definition of $n$-valued groups, obtained the first results on their algebraic structure, and began to develop the theory. At present, a number of authors are developing $n$-valued (finite, discrete, topological or algebra geometric) group theory together with applications in various areas of Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. In this talk, we will give some key notions of $n$-valued group theory and discuss the author’s recently obtained results, which are related to multivalued discrete dynamical systems. We will describe some connections with famous results on symbolic dynamics, combinatorics on words and constructions of quasicrystals The preprint and slides Read more
In this series of talks, we will learn about $\infty$-cosmoi in the sense of Emily Riehl and Dominic Verity. Read more Read more
We introduce the category $\mathsf{BornCoarse}$ of bornological coarse spaces, define the category of motivic coarse spaces $\mathrm{Spc}\, \chi$, consider some examples of coarse homology theories, including coarse ordinary homology, equivariant ordinary homology and equivariant coarse topological $K$-theory. We discuss also connections with index theory. This series of talks is based on the book by Ulrich Bunke and Alexander Engel “Homotopy Theory with Bornological Coarse Spaces”. Read more Read more
We consider a generalization of principal bundles and gerbes following the paper by Thomas Nikolaus, Urs Schreiber and Danny Stevenson. Read more
We will discuss Chapter 5 from Field Theory via Higher Geometry I: Smooth Sets of Fields by G. Giotopoulos, H. Sati (two talks on March 6 and March 20). The page of the seminar. Read more
The theory of non-simply connected manifolds, the well-known area of algebraic topology, is closely related to combinatorial group theory and group cohomology. It is well known that for any finitely presented group $G$ and $n \geqslant 4$, there exists a smooth closed n-manifold whose fundamental group is isomorphic to $G$. This observation motivates the following question. Let us fix the class $\mathcal{C}$ of manifolds. What finitely presented groups can be fundamental groups of manifolds from that given class $\mathcal{C}$? The question is of interest in the case of $\mathcal{C}$ being the class of homology $n$-spheres, i.e., smooth closed $n$-manifolds with the homology of $n$-sphere. We review remarkable connections appearing in the study of homology spheres: we discuss applications of acyclic groups, the Kan-Thurston theorem, and smooth structures on spheres. We also present related author’s results. The page of the conference. Read more
Consider any geometry $(G,H)$ in the sense of F. Klein, consisting of a Lie group $G$ and its subgroup $H$. This setup provides the following data: the smooth manifold $G/H$, the principal $H$-bundle $H\to G\to G/H$, and the Maurer–Cartan form $\omega_G: TG→\mathfrak{g}$. Moreover, the form $\omega_G$ establishes a linear isomorphism on each fiber, respects the fundamental vector fields on $G$, and converts the tangent right action into the Ad-action. These properties, together with the Cartan development technique in Darboux contexts, play a crucial role in introducing the so-called Cartan geometries. In the talk, we will discuss this idea in greater detail. The page of the seminar. Read more
Olympliad School Course, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 2022
During the period 2016-2022, I taught students not only olympiad mathematics but some interesting topics in Topology, Abstract Algebra, Differential Geometry, Probability in Combinatorics etc. In each case, I tried to simplify a language and gave some intuition of main ideas without loss of strictness as much as possible. Read more
Undergraduate Course Teaching, Profi, 2022
I help students from different universities to understand topics in mathematics: my profile on Profi Read more