An Introduction to Cartan Geometries
Talk, Texas Tech Quantum Homotopy Seminar, Zoom
Consider any geometry $(G,H)$ in the sense of F. Klein, consisting of a Lie group $G$ and its subgroup $H$. This setup provides the following data: the smooth manifold $G/H$, the principal $H$-bundle $H\to G\to G/H$, and the Maurer–Cartan form $\omega_G: TG→\mathfrak{g}$. Moreover, the form $\omega_G$ establishes a linear isomorphism on each fiber, respects the fundamental vector fields on $G$, and converts the tangent right action into the Ad-action. These properties, together with the Cartan development technique in Darboux contexts, play a crucial role in introducing the so-called Cartan geometries. In the talk, we will discuss this idea in greater detail. The page of the seminar.